We never defeated them on the field of battle. 我们从未在战场上打败过他们。
There was about him nothing of the adventurer, nor any suggestion of the field of battle. 他一点也不象冒险家,也丝毫没有赳赳武夫的样子。
They still make their spouses take out the garbage, do the dishes and change diapers& no matter how impressive their accomplishments in the field of battle is. 她们会让自己的突击队员丈夫倒垃圾、洗碗和换尿布&不论他们在战场上取得了多么骄人的战绩。
About six o'clock in the evening, the Passage du Saumon became the field of battle. 傍晚六点前后,鲑鱼通道成了战场。
On his left he had the field of battle. Death lurked round the corner of that wall. 他左边是战场,死亡就在这墙角的后面。
Some have lost limbs on the field of battle, and others still battle the demons that have followed them home. 他们有的在前线因伤致残,有的仍然在与跟随他们返回家园的恶魔斗争。
You get to choose where change will take us, because the future does not belong to those who gather armies on a field of battle or bury missiles in the ground; 你们必须选择变革引导我们前进的方向,因为未来不属于在战场上调兵遣将的人,也不属于在地面上安置导弹的人;
Pierre did not look in front at the field of battle; he took no more interest in what was going on there. He was entirely engrossed in the contemplation of that growing fire, which he felt was burning in his own soul too. 皮埃尔不看前面的战场,对那儿发生的事也不关心了,他全神贯注地观察越来越旺的烈火,他觉得他的灵魂里也在燃烧着同样的烈火。
Pierre gave orders that he should be followed with a horse, and walked along the street to the knoll from which he had viewed the field of battle the day before. 皮埃尔吩咐马夫牵着马跟他走。他沿着街步行到他昨天观看战场的那个土岗上。
You may triumph in the field of battle for a day. 或许你们现在可以赢得暂时战斗的胜利。
In fact, their best method of directly contacting Chiang's troops was on the field of battle. 其实,他们直接接触蒋军的最好办法是在战场上对阵。
So we meet upon the field of battle! 我们相遇于战场之上!
Such a point of the field of battle devours more combatants than such another, just as more or less spongy soils soak up more or less quickly the water which is poured on them. 战场的某一点所吞没的战士会比另一点多些,仿佛那些地方的海绵吸水性强弱不同,因而吸收水量的快慢也不一样。
Look at us here, just a couple of soldiers on the field of battle. 看看我们现在,就好像战场上的一对老兵。
Upgrade your banner to grant your guild special abilities and plant it on the field of battle so your fellow guild members can teleport directly to it! 替你的公会旗帜升级来获得特殊能力并插在战场上使你的公会成员能直接传送到该处!
Look at Berlin, where Germans and Americans learned to work together and trust each other less than three years after facing each other on the field of battle. 请看柏林。在这里,美国人和德国人曾在战场上对峙,此后还不到3年,相互间又开始合作,彼此信任。
The defeated army had to retreat hastily form the field of battle. 败军不得不从战场仓惶撤退。
On the field of battle there is no certainty. 在战场上没有确定性可言。
He threw down his rifle and ran from the field of battle. 他扔下枪从战场上跑掉。
I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts, that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. 有人把陆军部文件里的一份马萨诸塞州陆军副官处处长呈送的报告书拿给我看,报告书说,你是一位有五个儿子都在战场上光荣牺牲了的母亲。
They had to look each other in the eye on the field of battle. 他们在战场上必须与敌人四目相觑。
"A bankrupt america," president Eisenhower once observed," is more the Soviet goal than an America conquered on the field of battle." 艾森豪威尔总统曾经说过,“苏联更希望的是一个破产了的美国,而不是一个在战争上被打败了的美国。”
In spite of heroic resistance of the red army, and although the enemy's finest divisions and finest air-force units have already been smashed and have met their doom on the field of battle, the enemy continues to push forward, hurling fresh forces into the attack. 虽然红军英勇抵抗,尽管敌人最精锐的几个师和最精锐的空军部队已在战场上被粉碎,送了命,但是敌军继续推进,派新的部队投入攻击。
Kill a man on the field of battle and you can leave him there. 一个人在战场上死去,你可以扔下他不管,会有***来照顾他。
You can see how powerful they can be, hunting down slow-moving units on the field of battle. 大家可以看到他们是如何在战场上猎杀那些移动缓慢的单位。
I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. 我将精神抖擞得面对敌人,并在战场上将他们打失败,因为我训练更有素,战斗更勇猛。
She fought in Queen Isabel's War, nobly acquitting herself on the field of battle. 伊莎贝尔女王之战中她在战场上壮丽地履行着她的职责。
You are only allowed a single Mothership at one time, and each Mothership costs a significant number of resources to bring to the field of battle. 你在同一个时间里只能拥有一艘母舰,而将它带到战场则需要花费巨大数量的资源。
When I meet the enemies of my country, I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might Surrender is not a Ranger word. 我将为祖国积极地与敌人作战。我将依靠较好的训练和坚强的战斗意志在战场上击败敌人。